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I'm Hani the human and this is my blog.

Athireege' Thaana 0.1

It reads "hurihā insānun ves ufanvanī, daraja āi ḥaqqu takugai minivankamāi hamahamakan libigenvā ba-egge gotuga-eve" (All human beings are born free and equal in ranking and rights - Article 1 of the UDHR)

A font I have recently created which is an almost exact replica of "Athireege' Thaana" or "Vadaan Kashi" thaana. 

You can download v. 0.1 from here.

At this point it's all manual and I haven't added in any "fili" yet. I am loving the look of this without fili so I might even just leave it like this. It follows the inputs of most standard thaana fonts.  You are free to do whatever the hell you want with it.