Art Log

Dhivehi Demons

Some poster concepts for the series of illustrations I’ve been working of imaginary Dhivehi Demons. Here we have: Fashion Fureytha, Gas Venfunna, Dhunthari Kokaa, Siyaasee Fureytha, Liyelaa Makunu, and the Matriarch. Although inspired by dhivehi folklore and culture I must be clear that these beings are imaginary in the sense that they come from my mind. They are not “real” in that they are not demons from the scraps of folklore that we have recorded. I do not trust the gatekeepers of Dhivehi folklore. So as a Dhivehi person born and raised I am going to make my own folklore. I refuse to keep regurgitating the same old crap. The same few government approved legends that have been so warped through the ages that we can hardly comprehend what they were meant to be. These are also not djinn. Our belief in Djinn is a result of Arab colonisation. All our demons, monsters, and beings, became Djinn so that they would fit into the new belief system. These demons are older.