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I'm Hani the human and this is my blog.

Mausteroids.exe - An asteroids clone featuring Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

This is a game I created using GMS following Sean Spaulding's excellent tutorials. It's expanded quite heavily upon from what you get just following the tutorial, with too many additions to count, but is far from finished. Since I don't plan on working on it anymore I've decided to upload it for novelty's sake.  Currently the objective of the game is survive 30 waves - one for each year of Maumoon's dictatorship. The game is boring, repetitive and gruelling. Just like living in a dictatorship, hooray! All of the pixel art was hand drawn using Pixaki. The music is a loop of my songs "Male' City" and "Space Cadet". Most of the sound effects were created using Bfxr.


You can download a windows exe here: